1. How does the school know if young people need extra help and what should I do if I think my child may have special educational needs?
All pupils are rigorously tracked in literacy and numeracy with our bespoke tracking program. If there are concerns about progress or if any child needs extra support then this is identified early and acted upon. This may mean appropriate class, small group intervention and individual support. These interventions may be daily or two or three times a week and will vary from ten minutes to approximately forty minutes, depending on the intervention. Teachers monitor the success of these interventions, judging their effectiveness by the impact on pupil’s progress.
- If your child is new to our school then progress will be discussed with the previous school or nursery.
- If you think your child has special needs and this has not already been identified by the school, then an appointment can be made to see the class teacher, SENCo or Headteacher and your child’s needs can then be discussed.
2. How will school staff support my child?
- The school SENCo will keep in touch with all class teachers, Learning Support staff, and Curriculum Leaders to ensure that your child’s needs are met and targets in their Individual Education Plan are reviewed. The frequency of the support your child receives will depend on their level of need.
3. How will the curriculum be matched to my child’s needs?
- The school recognises that children are at different levels in their learning and learn in different ways. To support all children the school delivers the curriculum in different ways. We offer an appropriate class setting, small group support and individual support when needed.
- All teaching and learning within our classrooms is differentiated at appropriate levels so that all children are able to access their learning and make progress.
- We understand that children learn at their own pace so we closely monitor progress using Education Plans. All parents are invited to contribute to their child’s Individual Education Plan and we will keep you informed of any progress that is made in meeting the targets in the plan.
4. What support will there be for my child’s overall well being?
- The school will keep in close contact with you about your child’s overall wellbeing. To support the development of positive behaviours and friendship groups we have a Buddy System where older pupils ensure that children are not isolated or bullied. We have Play Leaders and lunchtime clubs to support all children in building friendships. We have a School Council for children to share their views and ideas.
- We have a school nurse drop in session and named staff who are first aid trained to administer any medicines your child may need.
- We have a range of pastoral interventions which we can offer to children in need.
- We also have two very experienced learning mentors who can help and advise you on many issues that may arise.
5. What specialist services and expertise are available at or accessed by the school?
- The school can access specialist support from the Primary Consortia.
- The school receives support from the Educational Psychology Service and SENISS (Special Educational Needs Integrated Support Service).
- We can make referrals, with your consent, to many specialist services including CAMHS (Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service) and SLT (Speech and Language Therapy Service)
- School staff are trained in a variety of specialist areas and can access the expertise of teachers from other schools in their Primary Consortia.
6. What training are the staff supporting children and young people with SEND had or having?
- The SENCo attends Local Authority Briefings to keep up to date with any legislative changes in SEN.
- The SENCo and support staff can access training through their primary Consortia.
All staff in the school receive training to meet the needs of all the children attending the school at any point in time. This may include Deaf awareness training, Dyslexia Training, ASC awareness training, Visual Literacy, Dyscalculia, ADHD training and Education Plan training.
7. How will my child be included in activities outside the classroom including school trips?
- Where possible, provision will be made for all pupils to access all areas of the curriculum including extra-curricular activities. We will always contact you before a planned activity if we think your child may require additional support to meet required health and safety standards. This may involve a specific risk assessment to identify any additional support needs your child may have to ensure full participation.
8. How accessible is the school?
- The building is fully wheelchair accessible in all areas. We have a lift that goes up to the first floor.
- There are two disabled changing and toilet facilities, both of which contain a shower.
- If the parents/carers do not have English as their first language, we have other parents who can speak their language and translate for them. We also translate letters into the appropriate language when needed.
- Facilities that support our children will be secured through our local consortia.
9. How will the school support my child to join the school and how will the school support my child in transferring to the next stage of education?
- You will be invited to look around the school and meet senior staff. Your child may also be invited to visit and stay for a short session before starting school.
- We will contact any early years settings, or other schools your child has attended to gather information about their needs.
- We will contact any specialist services that support your child and ask you to invite them to a Team Around the Child meeting at school to ensure that we are working in partnership to achieve the best outcomes for your child.
- We support pupils moving to new settings and Key Stages by making opportunities available to them to attend the new setting for discreet activities, assemblies and playtimes.
We develop a transition plan in partnership with you, your child, the new setting and specialist staff supporting your child to ensure that they enjoy a smooth transition.
10. How are the school’s resources allocated and matched to a child’s or young person’s special needs?
- The school’s SEN budget is allocated to meet the needs of the children on the SEN Register.
- The progress and attainment of all children is tracked and resources are allocated according to need.
- The SEN budget is used to ensure that school staff are qualified and trained to support your child and to purchase specialist help or resources, if needed. We also use the budget to ensure that children’s individual needs are met from specific interventions and programmes, where appropriate.
11. How is the decision made about what type and how much support my child receives?
In school we adopt a graduated response to meeting need. This means we record concerns about a pupil at pupil profile meetings and determine a timescale for a classroom based intervention and expected outcome.
• We will consult with you on progress and if expected outcomes are not met we will discuss next steps with you, for example, a small group intervention.
• We will review with you the impact of interventions and if appropriate access further support from outreach services at the Primary Consortia.
• We will always plan your child’s support with you, review progress and try to meet needs within our own resources.
• If your child requires additional specialist support we will discuss with you the pathways to more specialist support/provision.
12. How are parents involved in the school? How can I be involved?
- We regularly invite parents to coffee mornings.
- We invite specialist agencies into school to talk to you about how they can support you and your child.
- We hold regular open afternoons for you to talk to your child’s teachers about their progress.
- We are happy to offer individual appointments to discuss specific issues with you about your child’s progress.
- We are available every Thursday after school to discuss any issues about your child that you may have.
- Senior Staff are available, every day at the main entrance.
We have an open door policy.
13. Who can I contact for further information?
f you require more information about our school please go to our school website:
If you would like to talk to a member of staff please contact your child’s teacher, the SENCo or the Head Teacher.
The Local Offer can be found in the Family Services Directory on the city council website: https://fsd.liverpool.gov.uk/kb5/liverpool/fsd/localoffer.page